Monday, November 21, 2005

My day

You know, I posted that entry this morning and then I had a totally mixed up and crazy day that ranged from talking to a man about his marriage, to doing palates and cooking stuffed mushrooms. So I guess you are probably thinking, How in the world can you do that in one day?

I woke up this morning (at 5:40) with all these great intentions to study and get ready for my test tomorrow in Introduction to New Testament and to work on a paper. So I woke up, came over to the church building and started cooking eggs (we have men's breakfast every Monday morning). We all ate and all the old guys made fun of me of course (at least they think they make fun of me). They say these things to me and all laugh while I am in the dark. I really have no clue what joke they are making. It makes absolutely no sense to me. And I know that if I were to make a remark back, nobody would laugh because they would have no clue what I was saying! Oh the joy of fellowshipping with people three times my age. Anyway, they have a great time picking on me and I don't mind. I am usually too tired to understand what they are saying even if they do make sense. Even though they are three times my age, the are surprisingly chipper at 6:30 a.m.

So we clean up after breakfast and I come to my office and start working on homework and about that time a man from my church walks into my office and sits down and wants to talk. So I give him my attention and come to find out he is going through a major family crisis and his wife is threatening to divorce him. So I talk with him for THREE hours and I recommend a book that might help them and make sure that they are continuing there counseling and then I look at the clock and realize it's lunch time. So I go home and Jen reminds me that I had promised to cook stuffed mushrooms for lunch (something she doesn't do, No I'm not talking about the cooking part, just the stuffed mushrooms).

So I cooked, we ate, and I looked at the clock and realized that I didn't have time to go work out like I planned. Well, Jen suggests that I try Palates (I don't think I am spelling that right) with her (she has never tried it and is borrowing the DVD from mom actually). Now for all you guys who think that Palates is increadibly girly and somewhat is, I will never do that again (though my abbs are quite sore). The funnest thing about the video was making snide remarks about the comments the chicks made to each other and looking at the toned buuuuu....iceps of the instructor lady (I'm sure I'll get smacked for that one).

So now, here I am, sitting at my computer and writing this instead of studying. In the words of Napolean Dynamite..."IDIOT!"

Josh Out


Anonymous said...

Hey dude,
Have a great Thanksgiving!! I really miss our old Turkey Day Gluttonous Feasts.

OCAppleMBA said...

Not sure if this is the best way to contact you. I sent an email to your school email. My actual email is I do have those books, right and ready. I have all four that are new and then the system-sensitive book which is extensively marked because of our other class, which I think you have too. Email me and I will talk more extensively about them.