Saturday, February 12, 2005

Lots of stuff

Lot's of stuff has gone on between my last post. I have really been trying to figure out a way to become known in the community. My theory was to go to sporting events and get to know people there. So I went to quite a few sporting events. The mistake I made was to do what I wanted to do and that is just sit there and watch the game with some people from my church. It's good to get to know people from church but if I am sitting and watching the game, I am not meeting new teens to try to bring them into the youth group.
This last Thursday, I did something a little different. I went to the basketball game, but not with anyone (not even my wife). I went and picked up a couple of kids from the youth group and we sat there and watched the game. Although, I didn't do much watching. I was talking to the kids, and whenever I saw a kid from my youth group I went and talked to them and tried to meet their friends. This is not as easy as it sounds. When I did this, I realized that I was not in control nor responsible for how these kids acted. Sometimes this is hard for us minister types to not be in control. So I really had to get out of my comfort zone and just hang out instead of control. By the end of the evening, I was wiped out yet satisfied. I got to know a few kids and hopefully that will have an effect on my ministry.
God also provided me with another opportunity to get to know kids from the community yesterday (Friday). The high school/Junior High called me yesterday and asked me to substitute. It was great. I got to see most of the kids that I had just met the night before and strengthen the relationship. If you are the praying type, I hope that you will be praying for this ministry and what God is doing here. God is working.

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