Saturday, August 27, 2005

Sadness...what do we do with it?

One of my friends from college, Blake, has been involved in a very traumatic few months. His mother, Marcia, was diagnosed with cancer in June, and passed away on Thursday. I ache for him. At the same time I am thankful for his confidence that his mother will be in heaven. I hope that he can always look forward to that day when he rejoins her there. If you want to check out his blog it is at

During times of sadness and joy, it seems that poetry is always a good way to express how you feel. This may not be good but it is how I am going to try to express myself in this situation.

Good things come,
Good things pass away,
Bad things come,
Bad things pass away,
But one thing remains the same,
That our God loves us forever.

We have heard of the miraculous signs he performed.
He performed great feats in order to protect his people.
He healed the lame, cast out demons, and freed people from sickness.
Therefore, I ask this question.
Why not this time?
Why are innocent peoples lives cut short?
God, they had many years of service to you in them yet!

Lord, I know that this world is imperfect.
That is why people live and die,
And suffer pain and hurt,
So please help me to remember,

Good things come,
Good things pass away,
Bad things come,
Bad things pass away,
But one thing remains the same,
That our God loves is forever.


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