Thursday, August 25, 2005


Here I am sitting by myself, getting ready to read a book for grad school and I just have this urge to tell about an inspirational story. I told you that Satan, was on the attack in our youth group. He is also attacking me personally. He has caused an old temptation to rear it's ugly head and try to bring me down! But between me and God, we won't allow it to bother me (God doing most of the work obviously). Anyway, back to the story.

So last night, I had to drive the church van to go pick up kids and we had so many that I had to drop one load off and go get some more, but that is not the amazing part. Anyways, I told one of the older guys in the youth group that I would be late because I had to go get some more people and to just start singing. Well, I walked into the youth room and wow! They were singing! It was so awesome. Now I have to let you know, that I grew up in music, I played the piano and the clarinet and I also play the guitar, I also took voice lessons and was in choir in junior high and high school for a combined total of 5 years and I also was in choral at Oklahoma Christian University for one year. I know what good singing is and what it isn't. And this was not it! At least not the physical part of it. It sounded horrible to my trained physical ear, but it was the most beautiful thing to my spiritual ear. They were singing out, smiles on their just can't say how awesome God is. He has been working on their hearts. It's nothing I did.

Praise be to God!


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Carrie said...
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