Monday, August 22, 2005

Satan is on the attack

A lot has happened since my last post. My youth group had a wonderful, relationship building, spirit-strengthening summer. I saw this group go from about 10 to around 20 members. I saw them go from surface friends to Christian brothers and sisters. It is after all of this success that Satan tries to take us down. Rumors and bitter words have been flying around like leaves in a whirlwind. Satan's demons are stirring up trouble. He does not want us to have success in this community. I fervently ask that all of you out there who read this; please pray for this youth group. Pray for God's protection and Satan's defeat.

I became fully aware of the situation yesterday though I had seen little warning signs before then. Two sources came to me confirming my suspicions. Then last night, I addressed the youth group directly after church. I read them 1 Peter 5:8, 9 about Satan being like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. Then I read to them from Ephesians 4 about unity and what all we have in common even though we have conflicting personalities, and different points of view. Then I read to them from John 17 and Jesus' prayer for future disciples and showed them that they are going against Jesus' wishes and prayer for us. Then I told them to cut it out and work it out. I hope that I did the right thing.

When evening services started yesterday, I was undecided as to what I needed to do. Yesterday, we as a congregation had time to just spend singing praises to God. I got up to take requests and lead some songs. Somebody requested God's Family by Lanny Wolfe. The refrain got to me, "And sometimes we laugh together, sometimes we cry; sometimes we share together, heartaches and sighs; sometimes we dream together of how it will be. When we all get to heaven, God's family." I was standing up there trying to mask the tears. I don't know if anybody noticed, but I truly felt the Spirit talk to me through that song. I felt the itch and knew I must scratch. I knew what I had to do and I know that God will bless it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you are doing what you can. Sometimes you just have to sit back and hope things work themselves out. I am going to pray that you figure out what you should do. You helped me with the whole Dakoda thing. If I need to do the same thing for you just tell me by either e-mailing or calling me. You shouldn't have to go through this alone! Remember that I am always here for you!
In Christ,
P.s. ( i have a new e-mail as well. if you want it I will send it to you.)