Thursday, September 29, 2005

From one point to another

I seem to be jumping from here to there. I was all set and ready to drop my class at one point and then I thought well maybe I can stick it out. Then I started working on stuff again for class and realized that I was so far behind that I could in no way catch up. Well, I called my advisor to drop my class and by being sent to several different people, I realized that if I drop my class, I would end up having to pay over $400 dollars. First there are no refunds if you drop a class 3 weeks after the beginning of classes. Second, they would drop my scholarship because I would not be enrolled in 6 hours (my scholarship is $50 per credit hour), so that is $300, and $150 of it would be money for a class that I am not even taking. Last, I would have felt obligated to pay the $120 that my church paid for the class that I was going to drop. All that equals, $420. Wow! Who would have known that I would end up paying that much just to drop a class!

The long and short of it is, I am going to stick it out. I am just going to work as hard as I can to make it through this semester, and then, I am going to take only one class a semester from now on.

The news on my test that I had to take on Tuesday is that it was not too bad. I didn't do great, but I don't think I failed. I'll just have to do better on future tests. I also finished my paper on time and I think it actually was a pretty good paper.

Well, time to start on my school work!

1 comment:

Peter Rice said...

Josh, let me tell you about an ever-popular phrase here in Japan: "Ganbatte kudasai." It means something like, "Do you best!" or "Don't give up!" It's almost as popular as "konnichiwa" (hello) and "arigato" (thank you).

Coming to you all the way from the land of the rising sun is a big... Ganbatte kudasai!